Early Globes

Select the underlined green number on the left to read the associated monograph

Introduction (Last updated 6/22/24)

113     Crates’ globe, 180-150 B.C. (reconstructions)

258    Behaim’s Globe, Martin Behaim, 1492

259   The Laon Globe, unknown, (1493)

310  Universalis Cosmographia Secundum Ptholomei Traditionem e Et Americi Vespucci Aliorum Lustrationes, Martin Waldseemüller, 1507; 12 globe gores in the Cosmographiae Introductio, Martin Waldseemüller, 1507

314   The Lenox Globe, 1503-07

324   Universalis Cosmographie Descriptio Tam In Solido Quem Plano, Louis Boulengier, 1514

327   Globe Gores, Leonardo da Vinci, 1514

328   Globes, Johann Schöner, 1515, 1520, 1523, 1533

329   Ingolstadt/Nordenskiöld Globe Gores, 1508

332.2 Magellan’s Globe, 1522

333.2 The Brixen Globes, 1522

342.1  Green (Quirini) Globe, 1515-28

344  Noua et integri universi orbis descriptio [Paris Gilt or De Bure Globe], 1528

351  Bailly’s Globe [Verrazano Globe], 1530

357  Paris Wooden Globe, 1535

359  Georg Hartmann globe gores

363  Nancy Globe, 1530-1540

364  Caspar Vopel, Nova et integra universi orbis descriptio, 1534

367   The Ulpius Globe, 1542

387  Globe gores by Fransiscus Demongenet, 1552

390  Michael Tramezinus, a map of the world in two hemispheres, 1554

390.1 Nova et integra universi orbs, 1554-1599

390.2 Bonifatius Amerbach globe, 1555

415.2  Marius Cartarus Viterbiensis autor incidebat Romae MDLXXVII cum privilegio, Mario Cartaro, 1577

424 Nova et integra universi Orbis descriptio, Willem Nicholai, 1603

458  Chinese Terrestrial Globe, 1623 by Manuel Dias [Yang Manuo] and Nicolo Longobardi [Long Huamin]

488  Vincenzo Maria Coronelli maps and globes, 1690

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